Friday, November 02, 2007

Dia de los Muertos: Bienvenidos

Are you celebrating? Leaving out some water to quench the thirst of loved ones who have passed and are making their way back from the dead to celebrate Dia de los Muertos?

We have been enjoying some lovely Pan de Muerte sent to us from a mexican bakery in California via our connection in Cape Verde. MMmmmmm. Has anyone seen this for sale in the Portland area?

In case you missed last years podcast on Day of the Dead, submitted by yours truly and the lovely AdRi, here is a link for you to that. Oh podcasts. We haven't done one in such a long time. With Nablopomo here, I foresee that possibility. Speaking of, thank you for the requests this month! I'll definitely be posting more about North Portland and if I get up the gumption, answer some of those pesky personal questions put out there, too. Maybe.

This lovely post by another Oregon blogger tells about the history of Day of the Dead. And with that, I leave you with another favorite photo of the altars in Tlaquepaque we visited in Mexico on our last trip down south....
Altar with flower petal carpet


Kathryn said...

I love your podcasts. I must put that on my things to learn to do.

Rozanne said...

B and I were dithering back and forth about whether the Day of the Dead is Nov. 1 or Nov. 2. I told him I'd check your blog (LOL).

Now we know, although Wikipedia claims it's celebrated on both the 1st and the 2nd.

Those altars are amazing. Imagine being knee-deep in flower petals!

Anonymous said...

Maybe I can't get into Halloween because I have such a strong preference for Day of the Dead. In the city where I grew up in Mexico, there would be tens of thousands of people in the cemetery by night fall, which turned into wonderlands of light and flowers as people congregated in family plots and visited those of friends. It was an amazing opportunity to hear oral histories of families...and eat the holiday food. Where I lived, champurrado, made with masa harina and generally flavored with crumbly sheets of Ceylon cinnamon bark, was a very typical drink; well, that and alcohol of all kinds.

My favorite story from Dia de los muertos is of a family who, every year, hired a sex worker to sit on the grave of a departed philandering uncle. You know, just in case. Don't want him to come back for a visit and not feel welcome!

gen1pic said...

Check your first photograph.

You have a shrine to... Robert E. Lee????

LeLo said...

RSG: Your voice is made for podcasts.

Rozanne: Yes, it's on both days.

Christine: AdRi and I both got a kick out of your comment. :) We were fortunate to be in Mexico 2 years ago for Day of the Dead and I'll never forget it.

Gen1pic: These aren't my shrines, but ones I photographed in Tlaquepaque, Mexico (I want to hear you try to pronounce that one). As for the Robert E. Lee aspect, wow, I guess so. This was one of the largest ones of about 40 we saw that night in a cultural center in this small town. It was an amazing evening.