Monday, July 21, 2008

Days where you just don't feel like you're on your A-game

flower for reflection
I'm giving you a pretty picture to look at while I get back into gear with a bunch of work stuff. I'm trying to focus on looking at something I love, like a flower, or gorgeous color—like this photo—in hopes it will get me on track again. Or allow me to hear what's trying to be told to me. Or whatever.

Do you ever have one of those days where you just find you're on/off and either things coming out of your mouth aren't quite you, maybe not so nice, or things coming at you, from others, aren't so nice either? It's like the planets are a wee bit off kilter today and I think I need to just take it down a notch this week and have some alone time. My art time. My create time. My time where I don't interact with people time. Where I walk my dog and draw pictures and sketch and dig in the ground and experiment and design and just work.

I owe you some wonderfully fantastic photos and thoughts about BlogHer. Oh, and I have some really good stories. About meeting amazing people and hearing some great talks and being surrounded by a thousand technologically saavy women and having fun in San Francisco. But until the planets calm themselves down, you're just going to have to wait.

See how pretty that flower is? It's pretty, isn't it? Yes, yes it is.


A Lewis said...

oh yeah, we've all been there...unfortunately. and i'm afraid we'll all be there again at some point or another. focus. clarity. time. deep breathing. and more prtty pictures.

Anonymous said...

If it helps any, the clerk at the grocery store is a fan of yours. "I've linked to her before!"

Nice flower. It doesn't make my eyes water at all -- ahhhh!!!

Kathryn said...

All that socializing makes a persons brain hurt a little bit. I felt the same way yesterday--just tired and needing some down time.

Rozanne said...

"Do you ever have one of those days where you just find you're on/off and either things coming out of your mouth aren't quite you, maybe not so nice, or things coming at you, from others, aren't so nice either?"


Time for you to decompress. Those lilies are amazingly beautiful. And I don't usually even like lilies (as I think you know).

Chill, chill, chill. (BTW: I think Mercury is in retrograde.)