Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The harvest is in full swing, and that means squash

Squash, cabbage, squash
Squash, squash, squash, squash, zucchini. Zucchini, squash, patty pan, squash. Oooommmm.

The mantra of high summer means squash here at Casa de LeLo y AdRi. This spring we planted not one, not two, but five summer squash plants in the garden. One green zucchini, two patty pan, and two yellow crook neck squash. For a household of two, that is a lot. SRSLY. So we're staying on top of the harvest, and this week have kicked it into high gear.

My favorite way of eating summer squash? Slice thickly (1/2 inch), lightly brush with olive oil, season with salt and pepper, and throw on the grill. Don't hold back about grilling extra, because you'll put it to use the next day. I like it grilled on high, leaving char marks. Last night, we threw them all on a cutting board right at the patio table, chopped them into big bite size chunks, and transferred half to a bowl with freshly made pesto. Toss to mix and serve.

Excellent. And you'll note this post kicks off the first in the labeling of Summer of Squash. I anticipate there will be quite a few more. Next up? How to use that leftover grilled squash for breakfast.


Unknown said...

oh how jealous am i that you have successful squash! the borers are in high gear this year and completely destroyed our's after the first couple of zukes...*sob* your dad told me to plant tatume squash, so am going to try that for the fall..;)

jaibone said...

I cut the first zukes off the vine two days ago and put it on the grill within five minutes. Oil, and S&P, as you stated, are the only seasoning they needed. Love this time of year!