Friday, March 25, 2011

She's waving at you...

Where ornamentals and edibles live harmoniously
...are you waving back at the rhubarb? She's there, growing every day, surrounded by grape hyacinths. You have grape hyacinths in your garden, right? No? Oh you should. They're so simple and clean and strong, easy multipliers, and if you don't like where they are, just dig them up and move them around. They fill in bare spots lovely, and do their thing early in the spring, only to settle back and quietly disappear into summer.

The jumble of edibles and ornamentals lives together harmoniously in our front garden. I like the shocking red stock color of the rhubarb with the hyacinths bright purple. I hope to have enough rhubarb this year to finally harvest some. Yeah! Oh for the combination of strawberry and rhubarb, comingling in a cobbler. Yum, oh super yum. In the meantime, I'm enjoying her color, immensely. Everyone wave at the rhubarb!


Paula said...

I like them together! I didn't have money for grape hyacinths this year; only the big hyacinths. tulips, and daffodils. But next fall I can do grapes, and crocuses.

I've never been a fan of rhubarb though, and as a kid thought my grandmother's strawberry rhubarb pie was a colossal waste of strawberries. My neighbor grows rhubarb, though, and he's promised me some rhubarb pie this spring so I can see if I've learned to like it as a grownup.

I wonder what it will mean if it turns out I still don't like it!

scottweberpdx said...

Strawberry Rhubarb pie/crisp = one of the highlights of late spring/early summer...especially with some homemade vanilla ice cream...yum!

Laguna Dirt said...

i have total rhubarb envy. growing up in the midwest, we used to chomp on the bitter red stalks for a snack. even cooked and sugared, it has such a truly unique flavor, and so yummy!!

e said...

Leave the strawberries out and stick with the rhubarb pie/crumble. Perfect sweet/tart combination. Plus, don't you want those strawberries for your mimosas? :-)