Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My friend farro

Farro, Farrah same same. Not really. But I love them both. How can anyone not love this iconic poster of Farrah? Sigh.

But on to farro.

I'm lovin' my whole grains. Lots of experimentation with barley, brown rice, wild rice, and farro. Farro is similar to barley, and has a nutty flavor and a chewy texture. Filled with fiber and even protein, it's been fun to experiment with.

I've made two dishes with farro, both based on recipes from two popular recipe writers and bloggers, whose work I adore. 101 Cookbooks and her Baked Farro Risotto, and Smitten Kitchen's Butternut Squash and Farro salad. Both have hit it out of the park, and on both, I've changed them up a bit based on what ingredients I had handy.

First, the Baked Farro Risotto. Had this recently for dinner alongside steamed brussel sprouts, lightly dressed with lemon juice and butter. I added chopped fresh rosemary to the farro, instead of oregano, because it's what I had on hand. I suggest going with the rosemary for the win. It was definitely a winner. This will be made plenty this winter, always alongside a nice big pile of vegetables, either roasted or steamed.

Second up? Smitten Kitchen's Butternut Squash and Farro Salad. I skipped the pepitas, substituted feta for the ricotta, and mixed in some fresh spinach greens and thyme to the warm salad, allowing the spinach to soften up but not lose it's texture. I also added some chopped fresh sage to the squash as it roasted. I think the herbs added more depth to the flavors of the salad, and it was healthy, filling and warm on a cold fall day. That's a triple win.

Here's my version of the butternut squash and farro salad:
Roasted butternut squash + farro + spinach + feta + pickled red onion + thyme. Thank you smitten for the inspiration!

I think Farrah would approve of my farro making.


ricki said...

Yum and double yum. The only problem I have is finding farro out here in the sticks. I have substituted hard red wheat berries with good results, and those are available in the bulk bins at Freddie's.

Bell and Star said...

I just added that Smitten Kitchen recipe to my TO DO list yesterday! Nice to hear a testimonial.