Friday, April 21, 2006

Snakes on a pane!

That's snakes on a window brother says, "I was sitting here working and I saw something in the window..."
Aah, the joys of Gay Hill, Texas living! Cross your fingers the chickens are okay tonight...
i feel as if someone is watching me
anyone home?


The Q said...

I don't mind snakes (spiders and bugs are a WHOLE 'nother story though!), but these pictures kinda creep me out. That snake seems hell bent on getting in the window or something. Like it's possessed....GAH!

sttropezbutler said...

Holy Toledo Batman, I live in that State!



Corina said...

that gives me the hibby jibbys......

Gravely Gay said...

There's a place called Gay Hill and I don't live there?!?

bemused said...

So the only thing I care about is, is it poisonous? I can handle it if it's just a plain ol' garter. You don't bother me, I won't bother you.