Monday, April 24, 2006

When white guys try to rap...

Click here to see the wonder....
Sometimes it really hurts, doesn't it? I'm trying to place a year on this gem...


Anne said...

1985 or 6? that's my guess.
that was really scary stuff.
gee, i wonder if he made it?

bemused said...

OMG, that was so funny! And awful! But hey, if that guy from AI who couldn't sing could make it, why not this guy?

Thanks for my morning giggle, lelo.

ToadyJoe said...

I'd venture to say he's from just north of Salt Lake, and this was made in 1982. He's trying just a little too hard, lol. Would be funny to see a "where are they now" kinda thing. I wonder if he ever got that Big Record Contract. I know *I* sure was "blazed", hahaha.

Kat said...

Oh My Gawd! That is hillarious!!! I am laughing so hard I'm crying... That is some seriously funny stuff!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's painful to watch.

It hurts.

It's hilarious, though.

Gravely Gay said...

If you watch it without sound it's like a heavily edited gay porn.

PS my word verification letters were "stankk", fitting no?