Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Word blathering

Heat. Stress. Summer. Slip'n'Slide. Memories. Reality. Heat. Stress. Work. More work. Vacation? Ha. Remodel. Remodel. Planning. Calls. Measurements. Minimize. Stuff. Garage sale. Heat. Stress. Friends. Sombrero. Lengue. Familia. Boda. Importante. Work. Travel. Wink. Hot. Water. Hose. Garden? Soaker hose. Vacation? Ha. Schedule. Lists. Make time. Be nice. Conscious choice. Reflect. Needs. Need. Need. Call. E-mail. Camera. Computer. Crash. iPhoto. Lose. Gone. Forever. Airport. Neighbor. Call. Phone. Meeting. Schedule. Breathe? Breathe. Wink. Frida. Picasso. Stress! Time. Tiempo. Schedule. Calendar. Phone. Message. Forget. Inexplicable.


Maggie said...

You're killin' me with The Hasselhoff, you realize that don't you? LOL

Monogram Queen said...

I hate that you are going through so many different "things" right now but the surfing Hoff - Ahhh.. calming.....

Kathryn said...

well at least you're not fried, I mean, fired.

purpletwinkie said...

Oh my. That Hasselhoff thing. It scares me. Scares. Me.

I'll be in Portland this week. You buying?

Blogzie said...

Have you seen Hasselhoff on "America's Got Talent?" He's the Paula Abdul of that show. One suspects alcohol or drugs.

Love your word blathering, but sorry to see the word stress appear so many times.

Breathe in my dear.

And thanks for your kind words.


Anonymous said...

Someone has a thing for Hasselhoff. And that, I must say, is ultra hot.


Rozanne said...

Love the Hasselshark!

Like Blogzie, I'm sorry to see the word "stress" pop up so frequently.

The long weekend is on its way!

CrackerLilo said...

I hope the stress is replaced with calm very soon. *hug*

And nothing says "inexplicable" like that picture!

Happy Little Atom said...

I heart Lelo's bloggies!
I'm right there with ya, sister.
I did two hours of yoga and meditation the other day and was still twitchy 'cuz that's the mode I'm in. Advertising does nothing but make me twitchy. And itchy, come to think of it.

Anonymous said...

Mom is worried. If you were here I'd make you a cup of tea Hugs

Kat said...

Dang girl. Just reading that made me all stresses out. Hope it gets better and things aren't so stressful!

StePHen said...

did you hear that hasslehoff landed in the hospital this week!?!? what will we do!?