Saturday, October 28, 2006

Anatomy of a Walk

Anatomy of a Walk in Fall
Went for a walk at Cathedral Park last weekend and took my tiny old cybershot with me to just hold up and snap a few as we went. It's a pretty time here in Portland with the trees in full turn, the grass green again with the arrival of some rain, and the sun sitting differently in the sky, throwing rays through the leaves and across water.

Growing up in Southern California there wasn't much of a change to see in Fall and it wasn't until I moved to Portland I fully appreciated the turning of the seasons. My mom used to document what she could of fall, collecting leaves and pressing them. When AdRi and I walk and I look at plants and leaves, I know do so with my mother's eye. So mom, here's my favorite photo from our walk, for you. Enjoy.
Anatomy of a Walk: red tree


Anonymous said...

awww falll is officially here. it reminds me of life up in the midwest. always love your pics :)

purpletwinkie said...


Anonymous said...

Cathedral Park . . . my old stomping grounds.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! Doesn't fall smell wonderful? Hope you gathered leaves to take home. Hugs, Mom

Rozanne said...

Gorgeous!!!! In the past week or so I've snapped hundreds of fall color pix. It's embarrassing, but I can't stop.

I think Portland has so many beautiful trees.

Cathedral Park--good choice.