Thursday, February 15, 2007

What your kitchen looks like...

...when you don't have a kitchen. Three months of construction on our kitchen meant planning and set up for a temporary set up in our basement. "Set up" being a loosely worded term. Here are some pics for you...
camp kitchen 2
And on the opposite wall, the wall of appliances...fridge, dryer, washer...
camp kitchen 1
And the crem de la crem....the "camp kitchen" sink! And yes, it's the same sink our washer water exits into....Note to self: before doing laundry, make sure there are no dishes in the sink.
camp kitchen sink
I know you've been wondering. So there is the excitement. And right next door in the basement, is our dining/exercise/living/guest/construction zone room, complete with litter box. You know you want to come have a microwaved meal here, don't you?
basement room


Rozanne said...

I don't really see any food in evidence. I guess if I came over you could microwave me a glass of wine, though.

Anonymous said...

A fellow Yellowtail drinker I see! Is it the Shiraz? :-)

Anonymous said...

When I was growing up, we spent five years renovating our home. Visiting your blog is like being nine all over again.

Anna said...

Your basement still looks 800 times more inviting than our basement. I wouldn't cook a meal down there if someone paid me.

purpletwinkie said...

It's really cool that you can microwave dinner, move clothes from the washer to the dryer, and watch Oprah all from the same spot.

witchtrivets said...

I am totally into your finished basement. We have a W/D in our new house, but every time I drop a sock on the floor en route to the dryer, I think "eeewww gross." That is how nasty it is. They had a shower down there, just a faucet with plywood surround and a drain. Blech. Anyway, I'm with you in spirit. Working on this house in all our freetime means our apt has that same feel. Except we do have a kitchen. W/out a proper kitchen I think I would burst into flames. How much longer until your kitchen is done? Until then, just tell yourself, that kitty litter is good fiber.

WenWhit said...

Um, at least you still have a sense of humor? [grin]

DB said...

Oh, this reminds me of when our kitchen was tore all to hell and back. The fridge and microwave were in the garage. I don't remember what they did with the stove, but the week he promised of no kitchen stretched into months.

I almost lost my mind.

bemused said...

Oh. wow. I just can't imagine.

Hey, Dr. Sparky, how did you manage to be 9 for 5 years? Please share your secret. I wouldn't mind not aging for 5 years at a time. ;-)