Friday, October 12, 2007

Jesus dresses up for Halloween too

So wrong, yet so.........wrong. Can't. Help. Myself. Go on, you know you want to...


Neva said...

So wrong. So very, very wrong. I'm forwarding it to a friend!

Rozanne said...

Naughty but fun.

The Guy Who Writes This said...

Lelo, I love you soooo much!

Anonymous said...

It's not funny. It's not cute. It's not naughty. It's beyond poor taste. It's highly offensive blasphemy. Why won't you show us a KKK Halloween dress up? Wouldn't that be just as funny? How about a Matthew Shephard dress up? Not so funny, is it?

Tolerance is fine for other folks, but not you. That's the message you send to people of faith with your hateful image of Christ on the cross. Look in the mirror and see what real bigotry looks like.

Kathryn said...

It's only blasphemous if you actually believe the fairy tale.

Why shouldn't Jesus dress up? The Christians are the ones who tried to steal Halloween in the first place, (just like every other holiday.)

LeLo said...

Anonymous' comment makes me want to dress up jesus as a pirate now. Or an M&M.

Anonymous said...

Gresham supports our glorious president!

You're never anonymous on the internet.

next time entertain us with some bible quotes

Anonymous said...

"Gresham supports our glorious president!"

ROFLMAO...That figures!!! Only in Gresham...

Looks like you made a fan there Lelo;0)

Anonymous said...

it must be his Jewish side that gave him the Chutzpah to put on the bunny girl outfit....

CrackerLilo said...

I think the fact that he's on the cross is what makes it so tasteless, but you know, how often do fundamentalist Christians do things like pray for Muslims to convert on Ramadan and spread lies about Witches on Samhain? I played.

I'm glad he's got his site up. It's threatened so often.

Tricia said...

Hmmm... my seven year old and I just spent some time dressing up Jesus. I had to explain who he was and why it was disrespectful, yet amusing... :)

SassyFemme said...

OMG! I think the lightning is ready to strike! Too freakin' funny.

BTW, I like to think that Jesus would have a sense of humor about these things.

Monogram Queen said...

I DID do it and I will forward it on heh heh.. Love it!