Thursday, January 24, 2008

Meet'n'Greet, Coffee Clatch: Blogging Get Together

soon to be aprons
I'm looking forward to the coffee clatch Saturday morning with my fellow bloggers Wacky Mommy and Melissa Lion, and rumor has it that Dieselboi will also be in attendance (in kilt AND apron?!). There will be novels signed, books given away, and I'm whipping up a fresh batch of aprons in case anyone would like to buy one, or see them in person. But really, just think of it as an IM session, but in person. Please come and join the fun if you'd like to meet IRL, especially my North Portland peeps like Tom, Jess, know who you are. Wacky Mommy and Melissa probably said it here and here a lot better than I could about what we're doing, so go visit them for more info.

Oh, and for all you men asking about man aprons, they're in the works, see?
fabric for manaprons

Saturday, 10am-Noon
Ladybug Coffee
8438 N. Lombard


Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm looking forward to it!

Anonymous said...

Sniff, sniff. I so want to come and meet and greet so badly, but sweet son was invited to a birthday extravaganza at 10:30 AM in SE. Managing the social calendar of a six year-old is not as easy as I had imagined it would be pk (pre-kid).

Have a great time!

Anonymous said...

i am PSYCHED! see you then... Ladybug is right by... what, exactly? And south side of street, yes?

I'm assuming our names will be on some sort of marquee outside.

Monogram Queen said...

Oh I am enamored of the name "Ladybug Coffee". Perhaps you should do a ladybug themed apron?

purpletwinkie said...

I'll be there! Oh wait... no I won't. You guys needs to plan a Las Vegas getaway!

Unknown said...

austin is a bit far away too huh? LOL damn!! i bet you all will have fun!!

Anonymous said...

the next time you're at ladybug and have a little extra time, walk down lombard a few blocks and check out our new art gallery, Genuine Imitation, at the corner of lombard and chicago.
our blog:

hope the crafting was good today!

Unknown said...

did you all have fun? :)

Elizabeth said...

We had a *great* time! It was so nice to meet you, Lelo, and everyone else, too!