Wednesday, January 09, 2008

What if history was never captured, written down, or passed along?

That's what it's like for lots of minority groups. And gay history, or LGBTQ history, is no different. Yet time marches on and stories are lost, or hopefully passed along through friends, family and organizations. So this brings me to, how well do you know your Portland area LGBTQ history? I recently realized I don't know diddly. And we have a history. Here, test yourself...
Who was the first Oregon legislator to introduce a gay rights bill?

Would you like to learn more about some of the questions on this quiz? Q Center is hosting two really excellent events this weekend: a screening of the skin-tingling film, Ballot Measure 9. Oregon has long been a hotbed of political LGBTQ issues. This movie will shock you: I'm inspired by how far we've come since this movie. It's a don't miss. And then Saturday night, a panel of 20+ people will be there, sharing their stories from the front lines. Living history. I'll be there: I hope you'll be there too! For more information, visit Q Center.


Neva said...

Man, I have a lot to learn. I got 2 out of 10, and that's just from guessing!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I suck. I only got 2 right.


Monogram Queen said...

Way to get this out there Lelo! Portland is so lucky you came to stay.

Unknown said...

It was great to see you mentioned in Just Out. I wish I could be at the Q Center this weekend but I have other obligations. I hope to make it to an event soon.

Kathryn said...

I failed miserably, one 2 out of 10. I loved the movie last night, and feel much more educated now!

Oregonian37 said...

I got two out of ten...but I'm not actually from here...does that count?