Saturday, May 28, 2011

More adventures in pruning

First there was the butt bush, now there's the paddle prune. Saw this last weekend while walking and had to take a photo.
Pruning like paddles. Shelves. Something.
I find it both amazing and nightmarish at the same time. Is it a spaceship from Star Wars? Is it a salute to the sun? Is it a living curio cabinet, just waiting for you to arrange your china upon its shelves? Or shoes? Whatever it is, this takes commitment, and rock on your own bad self to commit to this creation. Gardeners are awesome people.


Paula said...

That is certainly the most unusual piece of topiary I've ever seen....

David - Pinewood Cottage said...

here in SC we have Pearl Fryar - go to and check out his gallery - i like the "fishbone" work he does.

Rozanne said...

Ah! David beat me to it, but I was just going to say you have to watch the documentary about Pearl Fryar: A Man Named Pearl. It may change your mind about pruning. Here's a link to the trailer:

(The trailer will give you a pretty good idea of what the movie is about. Just ignore the "inspirational music"--it's an excellent movie!)

danger garden said...

I love it! Someone has been working very hard.

Best Wishes, Marie said...

a conversation piece it is !!

Jessica said...

...or cat condo?

corner curio cabinet said...

so lovely! Someone must has been working very hard with it .