Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Do the holidays frighten you as much as these mannequins frighten me?

scary mannequin
scary mannequin2scary mannequin3
You, too, can have the bajeezus scared out of you on SW Third and Washington in downtown Portland. I saw these mannequins the other day and was entranced by them. The scary, clown like make-up, the open mouth laugh caught in that one moment when someone is laughing but if you stop time, they look maniacal. ***shudder**** I dunno. I hope the store that just opened in this space does well and flourishes: I totally need to get past the mannequins and go in and check them out. But these things are frake-ay. I imagine at night they come alive, step out of the window, and walk up to the greek cusina....


Jay said...

I've seen them, and after the first time I just looked away. Those are the last thing I want showing up in my dreams.

Kathryn said...

I do not heart mannequins.
Or clowns.
Or Bank of America.
Or George W.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, shades of The Joker from the Batman movie - the one with Jack Nicholson and the tainted cosmetics! Those are truly eerie. Makes me wonder about the store owners. Do they have a perverse sense of humor, possess an other-world (or underworld) style foreign to us, or are they simply (as you put it) frake-ay?


Rozanne said...

Yeah, definitely Nicholson as the Joker-like.

What does the store sell?

It would be great if those manniquins showed up at Greek Cusina. Ted would flip his wig!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm scared. I didn't need to see this right before bedtime.

Anonymous said...

Clowns are just about the creepiest thing out there. It would be hilarious however to break in at night and swap one the said mannequins with one of John Wayne Gacy in HIS clown get-up. Now that would be some scary shiite.

Gravely Gay said...

Those suckers are creepay!

Blogzie said...

Call me silly or call me strange, but I really do kinda sorta like these.

I can't stop looking at them...
