Saturday, November 26, 2005

So 4 Bloggers Go Out to Lunch...

...What do 4 bloggers do when they get together? They go out for sushi, and then they take photos. Duh! From left to right, here's Walking Portland, Gravely Gay, and the lovely Superinky Fixxations, all photographed by moi. Of course we rotated the cameras around, so for a picture of Lelo, I suppose you'll have to visit their sites. Or not. Anywho, it was quite a lovely Saturday lunch, and while there was no Jello, there was plenty of chit chat, philadelphia rolls, and good times. Props to all for making this happen. Good times, peeps...good times....


brett said...

i so enjoyed today's lunch. thanks again. it is so wonderful to cement relationships with face to face interaction. love ya all. enjoy the rest of the wknd.

Anonymous said...

my favorite stumptown couple and my il' Horatio Sanz bottom. Rigo certainly looks dapper with his neatly trimmed hair and beard.

sttropezbutler said... I'm off the other blogs!

Have a cool week!


Gravely Gay said...

Had a great time meeting you. But I forgot to get contact info :(

Anonymous said...

I want more sushi. Now.