Monday, February 06, 2006

I-5 between Seattle and Portland: what's the deal with the signs?!

Apparently, if you live or own property along I-5 between Portland and Seattle, it's a requirement to either post freaky political rantings, sculptural oddities, or praise be, sing the praises of bajeezus. Take for example the following visual proof:

What the frick is this about? Can anyone splain this to me?

This has actually been growing and multiplying. It's lovely, actually. I guess I'm trying to figure out what the right wing ranting is that must accompany it. (I vaguely remember a sweet story that goes with this installation so I'll take it easy on 'em. Of course, I don't remember anything else nor does some searching on google reveal anything to support my fuzzy memory.)

And then there's the lovely cramming down my throat the christian quotes. Do they not know that not everyone else supports their lifestyle? Geez. Keep it to yourselves, or, at least don't ask don't tell.

Somewhere along the drive we stopped to give Wink a whirl through a park and do her thing. That's when we happened upon this. Now don't tell me this doesn't kick some serious ass.
This is the house of Rich Art. He's applied styrofoam and a whole lotta time and artistic talents to create this installation in and around his home. Read more about him here. I love folks that march to the beat of their own drum. "He just wants people to get off their butts and get to work making art. All around the yard are little signs proclaiming variations on the work ethic."

If I had property along I-5, I think we all know I wouldn't use it for any of the above purposes. Maybe I'd put self portrait pictures on it, or lots of pictures of Wink. Oh wait. That's what my blog is for.

Have a good week peeps. And for chrissakes, enjoy some of this sun. Hallelujah!


Anonymous said...

I saw a film about that second image -- the one with the tall sculptures. One is Chief Joseph, one is Mother Theresa, one is a Holocaust memorial, and I can't remember what the other is. The man who owns the property wanted to put up a sign explaining the whole thing, but the highway folks wouldn't let him. Not the sort of nut you'd expect....

Stacy said...

Anonymous commenter before me is correct about the tall sculptures. I agree that the religious/political signs are a bit, um, odd at times. I, personally, have grown up with them since I was a kid, so I merely laugh and keep driving.

ComputerDiva said...

I pass by all of this stuff at least once a week as I drive up to Tacoma or thereabouts. I had heard that the guy with the political signs died and his family is now taking it over. They need to change the statements more often because I am getting tired of reading the same old crap every week.

And if they let political guy put up a sign, why not the guy with the statues? That is just not right.

Rozanne said...

Glad I had my head down and was focused on knitting on the way up to Seattle a few weeks ago, although I would have liked to see the styrofoam guy's house.

Maybe my new motto will be: Get off your butt and make art!

Anonymous said...

arg the signs. i've always wanted to document the decrepit hotels abandoned along the route.

also, one tidbit for ya - good teams could overcome bad calls if they wanted.....


Jay said...

The fam and I are always going up to Seattle or Chehalis, so I am ver fmailiar with all of these. Glad to see that someone finally gave them the blogspect that they deserve!

mindlessgirl said...

where i grew up, it wasn't so much the signs that were all over...but more of the "art installation" thingy...colored water, in jugs, hanging from these metal tree like stands...magical...oh and lots of mary's on the half-shell(the virgin standing in a an upright, half bath tub)...sometimes i really miss upstate has a different vibe than vt...some may call it white trash...i call it...i dunno, what i call it...home, i guess.
YEA for you, sun...we are about to enter a cold snap...good times!

Zoe said...

And all I see when I drive is corn, corn, corn, corn , corn, corn, corn, corn, everywhere I look it's corn, corn, corn, oooo look soybeans, corn...and then there is this bilboard that says "if you're looking for a sign from god, this is it." Look more corn!

Kathryn said...

Sorry I've missed all of that.
I'll have to take a road trip and possibly be "saved" by the signs...

Anonymous said...

Oh the signs, the sculptures, the endless miles of I-5 between Portland and Olympia. So much of my childhood was spent traipsing up & down that strip of the Interstate. That crazy Uncle Sam billboard used to be a tad bit further north and on the other side of the road. I usually just shake my fist at it and laugh, though at the same time I'm reminded that those sentiments are shared by a vast number of Washingtonians and Oregons who don't live in the big cities. Alas, I am blabbing.

Anonymous said...

I'm always creeped out when I drive between Portland and Seattle. Scary, scary stuff.


Anonymous said...

agreed, agreed. . .it is like the john birch society and the televangelists took out ad space together. . .well maybe they are one in the same ;)