Sunday, February 12, 2006

Wink has visitors...

doggy play date!
Originally uploaded by Lelonopo.
...and we do too! What a nice treat to come home from a long workday away on a Sunday and find the wonderful Anna, Brett, Phoebe and Frodo coming to visit for a play date. Those crazy NoPo walkers walked 4.3 miles over to visit for a while, and as you can tell, there was quite the excitement. Wink just wanted to wiggle and wiggle and sweet Phoebe was a little scared but how adorable is her aerobics wear? Frodo was such a big boy and shared his smile with everyone: what a giver! Good to see you time we'll take the kids to the park and see hilarity ensue, I'm sure.


Anonymous said...

Wink, I've had it with you making fun of my Jazzercise outfit all day. This is it. We are taking this outside and settling it once and for all - Jazzercise will prevail, I assure you.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had fun :)

Those outfits are funny (but then, I'm no fashion plate - lol).

Anonymous said...

Oh man! That picture is sooooo cute!!!!

Rozanne said...


Gravely Gay said...

Frodo looks like he's just not having it. But they're so cute together.