Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Dead possum hanging on a tree on I-5

I saw it again. I knew I wasn't crazy. There's a possum, and it appears to be dead, hanging by its tail from a tree along I5 Northbound between Portland and Seattle. Muerte. Dead. Goner. I first saw it on a trip in January. It was early morning, and the sun was shining. I saw something in the trees ahead to the side of the road, and stared up as we passed. It was a possum, sleeping, and hanging by its tail. Right above the freeway! I thought it was the weirdest and funniest thing. What a place to sleep! Right above the freeway.

Well, I don't think he's sleeping. Because today, 2 months later, I saw it again this morning. And on my way back from Auburn Washington today, I saw it again this afternoon. It doesn't appear to be moving. And it's somewhat a strange, slick, grey color. El grosso! It just died up there, hanging upside down and everything?!

So beware. If you're driving northbound out of Portland, keep your sunroof closed, or you never know. He may just drop right in and continue his journey with you. But I would guess he's pretty stinky. Eeeewwwwww!!!!


Anonymous said...

It's not dead. If it was, it wouldn't still be clinging to the tree. Chances are--that's its HOME. You know, you sit in the same chair regularly to blog--and well...you seem to be breathing.

LeLo said...

I don't know. It's not moving. Same exact same place. And its color isn't quite right. I'm guessing it's dead.

I'm hoping someone else has seen it. And triple props if it's alive. But I'm doubting that....

Gravely Gay said...

Is it bony looking? almost four months and still hanging out, ewww.

LeLo said...

Not bony, and not four months. 2 1/2 months really, and slick looking. Again, it could have just been wet. Or slowly decaying in the cool, wet winter weather.

sttropezbutler said...

Don't forget we've had a dead possum(s) hanging out in Washington for the last 5 years at least!

It happens.


pack of 2 said...

gross. I went to Olympia a few weeks ago but I didn't see him...I wasn't looking though:)

Sounds dead to me...I drive a jeep wrangler so thanks for the tip;)


Zoe said...

If it were dead, I would have thought vultures would have picked it out of the tree. And I have to agree, it would have fallen if it were dead. Rigormortes(sp?) does not set in imediately and does not last. But, I suppose anything is possible.

Anonymous said...

maybe the fumes from cars killed him? that's what he gets for sleeping above the freeway!

you're right...keep the sunroof closed...if he slips into your car...EEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW!

The Q said...

Alive or dead, that's creepy. I would crash my car if it fell in my sunroof!

Rozanne said...

El grosso is right!

Possums are gross even when alive. I do not care for their furtive little eyes, their weasely snouts, or their scrawny naked tails.

I know they must serve some purpose in the ecosystem, but what is it? I'm gonna guess they're scavengers. El grosso to the max!

bemused said...

Rozanne, they eat slugs! All the same, the less I see them, the better. Maybe that's why they go about at night?

mindlessgirl said...

oh hell, i must second the EEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW and now must admit that i would probably make a habit of going past it daily and staring altho it would freak me out...can't animal control just whack it down or something or at least someone whack it down and make a little stew or something...i mean, ellie mae and granny would!