Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Pardon the American Idol post...

...but can't help it with this one. There's quite a hub-bub brewing about Mandisa being a supporter of the ex-gay movement, and her lifestyle comment prior to the gospel gig last night on American Idol. Now I have loved me some Mandisa up until now, people. Shout out to the big girls, and she eminates beauty, grace and loveliness, along with pure talent. But now I hear she's a fan of an anti-gay author who decries god can save you from homosexuality, oh dear. Not the right topic for Lelo. I'm sorry Mandisa, but I am so not one of your fans anymore. Ba-bye.

Kristine's post referring to Bucky as a llama is a riot. Oh dear. Last night's American Idol sucked the big one. Hey, at least I admit I watch the show. I know some people are closet watchers! Here's the thing. Pure honest unfound talent? I'm in awe of it. When music drives you to be who you are, takes up a place inside of you? I'm moved by that. I'm also moved by great art, social justice, doing the right thing. But music? It has a special place for me. So that's my excuse. Oh I hope Mandisa redeems herself but I'm afraid I'm not going to hold my breath...

Okay. American Idol post is over. Back to our regularly scheduled blogging....


Radio Gretchen said...

God can cure you of your American Idol tendancies, but you have to really want to change first :)

mindlessgirl said...

so, i can honestly say i have never watched an episode...but i have been tempted b/c (1)i hear seacrest is a complete douchebag and for me, watching a douchebag is like watching a train wreck...good times and (2)i hear paula is a complete fn train wreck and on some hardcore perhaps i will tune in at some point...

Gravely Gay said...

And I always root for the sassy heavy black girl. Damn, I've been bamboozled.

pack of 2 said...

I didn't know that about longer a fan of hers.

bemused said...

I don't watch AI or any of the reality shows so I guess that means I'm going to really suck at trivia games in the future. ;-)

sttropezbutler said...

Well...I used to love Idol...I don't know.......

As for the talent? When did screaming become singing?


And why is Ryan Seashell popular?


KMae said...

Damn. Didn't KNOW that about Mandisa. Well then, later for her.

LeLo said...

And as a follow up to this post from last week, there you have it. Das boot. I'm glad she's gone. Blessin' everyone in Jesus' name blah blah blah blah. Ba bye.