Monday, August 28, 2006

Fun with headers

So is my new header irritating or fun? I've recently been going the clean and very simple route here at Lelonopo. Thought I'd throw in some jazz hands, or at least some spirit fingers. I figure I can change it out periodically. But I tend to post so many photos here. See my internal dialogue about this?
Love it?
Hate it.
Hate it?
Love it.
You tell me.


Kat said...

I think it's great! :)

Lynne said...

I like it a lot. I might like it better if the image were above the black lettered title.

Zoe said...

I like it- it's cute and fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear. It makes me think of that sugary breakfast cereal from days of yore, you know, Alpha Bits. Creepy. But probably just right!

Anonymous said...

How about putting the image next to the title, only smaller, like a logo.
Hugs, Mom

Lee said...

I like it and I like mom's suggestion play a little on that, maybe make "lelonopo" a different shade/color...make it pop :)

Monogram Queen said...

Add jazz hands AND spirit fingers! Go for the gusto :)
For the record, I love it!

CrackerLilo said...

It's cute. It can be a bit smaller.

DogMa said...

What kind of soup is that? It looks nummy!

Anywho, mama likes, but I'd like it more if it were shorter and wider? Thats just me gotta do what YOU like girl!

Gravely Gay said...

I like the cookie. Cute and simple.

bemused said...

Nifty! I'm impressed (and jealous, too) by your wicked cool talent for tweaking your page. My poor ol' blog is status quo and will be until I figure out how to change things without screwing them up big time. In other words, it won't change for a looooong time. ;-)

LeLo said...

Oh dear, bemused: no wicked cool talent here. I'm simply a reader of The Generator Blog, and I've figured out that I can drop code into my "About" area on my profile set-up in Blogger and it will drop in my image at the top of my blog. No wicked cool talent there. Fiddling with my template in blogger is like being in upside down world: i have no idea what I'm doing.

Thanks ya'll, for the feedback and advice. And a special welcome to DogMa, and Worldwide Pablo: WWP, I can't tell if that was a compliment or not, so I'll just assume it was since you don't show up much in this part of the blogosphere very often. Welcome.

Lynne said...

I see the soup is gone, replaced by the cookie.
I like it.

rodger said...

Darn...not feeling well early this week and missed all the fun. I do like the cookie though.