Monday, March 17, 2008

I'm such a tease

I really couldn't help it cupcakes
So since I've posted about cutting back on meat and eating a bit more healthy, I'm happy to report that I've taken in the meat parade at Brazilian Grill, and I've posted about apple pies and now, cupcakes. What. The. Hell. I know. So let's cut the guilt and just get to the cupcakes pictured above, shall we? We shall. And let's also just clear it up and say, these weren't for me. Nope, these were for one of my most favoritist of peoples, our 11-year-old neighbor. And her birthday party. At the bowling alley. With pizza. And friends. And grandma. And I bowled a 53. Suck it. I need a little practice in the bowling arena, obviously. But it was fun and I smiled the whole time and the girls told me about Hanna Montana and Rianna and I don't know who else. Good times, peeps. Good times.

These cupcakes were made with my new favorite recipe from the book Southern Cakes, and the recipe is called Helen Hudson Whiting's Celestial Chocolate Cake. The frosting is a la Amy Sedaris, and is her buttercream frosting. And the pink color? No Red #4 here. Nope. That there is beet juice. All natural red food coloring. That counterbalances all the butter and sugar, right? Right.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes you just gotta be bad. I hope you had a good time at Brazil Grill.

Those cupcakes look awesome. I'll have one please:)


Alan Cordle said...

Helen Bernhard can suck it.

Helen Hudson Whiting is the new pink.

Anonymous said...

damn those look good! i gotta get out of here...

Kathryn said...

Oh how I heart chocolate cupcakes with pink icing made from beet juice. Someone has a birthday next week . . . Oh, that's me!!!!

Your cupcakes are so pretty, and HEALTHY too!

Anonymous said...

Thank you again... your cup cakes were so yummy, (you know how many I ate)...shhhhh.
I can't wait until Adreanne reads your blog, beet juice??? YOU ROCK!!! Oh and I can hardly walk but bowling with friends was well worth it.


Rozanne said...

You'd kick my ass at bowling. I'm lucky if I break 40.

And I use like a 9-lb ball and still my arm is all sore the next day. Am I feeble or what?

Unknown said...

I bowled a 26 once. I'm obviously not a bowler.

Amy Sedaris rocks and now I'm craving cupcakes and I don't even eat sweets (much).

Tricia said...

Beets are totally a vegetable and that like makes the cupcakes like a weight watchers recipe- duh!
(just wanted to fit in at the birthday party)

Those cupcakes kick ass, by the way.

purpletwinkie said...

Beet juice. Hmmm.

Elle said...

Gorgeous cupcakes!

Deborah said...

I'd rather have these cupcakes than something healthy anyway!!

bemused said...

I learned this trick from my grandma. We always died our Easter eggs purple and tan, thanks to beet juice and onion skins.

Yummy looking cupcakes, Lelo!

SassyFemme said...

Oh my gosh those look good!