Monday, September 26, 2005

Strange collection of photos

1. Saw this pair set up on North Lombard yesterday. If you act fast you might still be able to get that lovely couch. ***shudder***

2. This is the woman who used to not want to have anything to do with the cats. Yeah. She's been "catted." No need to provide other possible names for that. Really. (this is while she's watching Little House on the Prairie. god I love this woman.)

3. MLK Blvd.

4. Scenes from a carwash.

5. I feel like someone's starin' at me. I don't know why...
staring at me


Gravely Gay said...

It turns into a bed! A little delousing and it's good to go.

Kathryn said...

Hi Lelo, I was in your hood today. Just thought I'd give you a shout!!!

Anonymous said...

That pic of the furniture & men is hilarious. I just love the expression on their faces. Too funny. Um, no... thankfully I don't need any furniture...