Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Trip planning...cultural immersion in Mexico

We’re planning a trip to Guadalajara and Mexico City. Part familia, part cultural immersion. Impetus for the trip: Day of the Dead.

Day of the Dead is a unique combination of Catholic and indigenous Mexican religion… it’s really beautiful. Read more about it here.

Part of the trip will be to Guadalajara . Cultural mecca of Mexico, we’ve been before, and will probably do and see things we’ve seen, but it’s a beautiful city. For sure we’ll see Orozco's murals: Orozco was such a powerful artist. His work blows me away, with its huge size, and public access. I love its political messages, and that he was an artist of the people. Seeing his work in person is unlike any photos.

As for a sidetrip, there’s no way we can’t go to Tequila (uh, music warning for that gem of a link).

We’re also going to Mexico City (more on that part in a future post), but I for sure want to see Frida’s famous blue house.

Thank you frequent flyer mileage!


Rozanne said...

That Frida museum sounds great!

I've never been to Mexico. Need to go sometime soon!

Ja'AmLo said...

drink lots of water!

yea, you remember our trip to mazatlan - the flight back was won by Montezuma.

LeLo said...

Rozanne-Mexico is a great place to visit: I can't wait! Love me some Frida.

Ja'amlo-If memory serves me correct, your visit with Montezuma was because you were eating with wild abandon fruit from your new friend with the fruit cart. "Look, he made a friend! It's so sweet!" What were you, 10?!?!? Oh, you know that makes me go find another picture of you....

Anonymous said...

drink lots o' tequila for me ;-) and the Frida museum would be worth the trip in and of itself! wooohoo! And dio le los muertos celebration more fun!

yay for lelo's fun :D

Anonymous said...

oops, I think that's /dia/ le los muertos.

Gravely Gay said...

Tienes familia en Mexico? That's cool, say hi to my grandma for me.