Thursday, March 02, 2006

Oh Gaiken, you're so busted now

A little Hollywood scandal is good now and then...I just particularly love it when big ol' homos who've been masquerading as gentle straight men are dragged out of the closet, kicking and screaming. I always wonder, who's next? Oh, the list is so long...


Gravely Gay said...

I'm just hoping Ricky Martin will come out in my lifetime. Mmmmmm, Ricky.

Jay said...

I heard Gaiken and Vin Diesel were forcing litigation against someon trying to distribute their illicit love tape.

Oh, and I don't think that was me you saw on Sunday. I do hope to someday meet this twin of mine; we could make beautiful children.

sttropezbutler said...

Amazing isn't it. That this is even an issue in 2006 just floors me...and then I remember who is president and blah blah blah!



Rozanne said...

I am so out of it. Who is Clay Aiken? One of those American Idol people?

We will celebrate together on the day that Tom Cruise gets hauled out of the closet. Long overdue.

Blogzie said...

Gay or not, he has always had a weird boy next-door serial killer vibe.

Maybe it’s just me…

Anonymous said...

The giraffe is better looking than Vin Diesel.