Monday, May 07, 2007

Learning how to work from home while listening to the opening of Sweet Home Alabama over and over and over and over and over again

Five months ago I ventured out into a new life and a new job. I'm doing the same kind of work I was doing before, but now I'm my own boss. But instead of being a part of a large agency, I work from home, network in coffee shops, and do lots of client meetings over the phone (when they're in other parts of the country). I'm a consultant. This has been a big change. I'd been at one agency for 13 years, and while I loved the work and loved the company, it was just time. Plus, I had lined up some great clients and it would be a safe jump.

About this same time, we embarked on the over-blogged house renovation. Noise and dirt and upheaval and people, I worked nonstop here in my office, secluded away. It was a long dark winter. Working from home wasn't all that sexy with construction going on.

But now, the construction is over, the house is lovely, and the weather is drop dead gorgeous. Windows are thrown open, I'm taking business calls from the back patio in the sun, and Wink, Frida and Picasso are all enjoying hanging out with me. I can do laundry, have a homemade salad for lunch, run an errand, but I keep hearing the same song. Over and over and over and over. The neighbor is learning electric guitar, and is playing the opening of Sweet Home Alabama. Over and over and over and over. And over and over and over. And over and over. It never kicks in to the whole song. Just that opening guitar part. Oh dear lord. Tell me this is not going to happen all summer long. I guess I'll need to just turn the stereo on a bit louder.....


Bpaul said...

For ME, turn the stereo louder. IF not for me, then for the love of compassion, do it.


Kathryn said...

Perhaps you could jump on the piano and accompany him?

BTW, It's almost pedicure and ladies lunch time, hmmm?

rodger said...

He too is probably inspired by the weather..."where the skies are blue.."

Just sayin'.

Gravely Gay said...

I hate when they do that, I try to jump in and sing and it just never really starts.

Trop said...

Sounds like our house. Amanda is practicing her bass, and she keeps going over the same few measures over and over and over.

I hope to make the consulting jump in a couple of years. Right now I am doing both the day job and the consulting... and I'm getting fried in the process.

The remodel is gorgeous.

purpletwinkie said...

Ever thought of taking up drums? Turn the conservatory into a music room, windows wide open?

Monogram Queen said...

GREAT now I can hear it going over and over in my mind!

reasonably prudent poet said...

oooooh, that sucks. i once lived above this burnt-out old hippie who would smoke weed and play "riders on the storm" cranked up at top volume over and over every afternoon. all i could hear, for about two hours every day, was the bass line rising up through the floorboards and vibrating my apartment. it sucked.

SassyFemme said...

I'm sorry, but I'm LMAO because the kid behind us is learning the drums. You could just blast the rest of the song after the neighbor finishes the opening. Just so he can hear the rest of the song. :)

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