Friday, June 22, 2007

In search of Summer Cocktail 2007

Mixology on the summer solstice
Did a little mixology last night with herbs and fruit from the garden, muddled and combined with different liquids. Brought along the camera and you can follow the process and see all the photos here over at Sassy Gardener...What a gorgeous night for the summer solstice.
While I didn't find the perfect drink for Summer 2007, we sure had fun trying. And then matching the color of the drink to colors in the garden.
Solstice and the Matilija Poppy
It must have been around 10pm when I took this photo last night: there was still light in the sky. I love summer so much. I don't ever want to come inside.


Jay said...

I've been spending an exorbitant amount of time in Tualatin Hills Nature Park, chasing squirrels and looking for snakes. I too love this time of year.

purpletwinkie said...

Oh darn. One down. Time to try a different cocktail.

SassyFemme said...

A little mixology combined with a beautiful night sounds just perfect for the summer!

Anonymous said...

That last pic is great!
Don't you just love PDX in makes all that rain worth it:)

Acadia has some amazing & pear infused vodka is the best!

Kami said...

Ooooh, pretty pics!