Monday, November 12, 2007

Stormwatch! Winds whip North Portland!

Windstorm damage
Yes, that photo shows the destruction of our beautiful, custom cedar fence. Sigh. I haven't had the TV on today but I know if I did, there'd be poor reporters out on street corners yelling through the wind and rain reporting Live! Live! Live from Windstorm November 2007! (or whatever catchy name they give it) But still, the wind was pretty bad here in North Portland, enough to take this whole thing out. I'm not too happy. If anyone knows a wonderful handyman or someone you'd refer to remove those panels, fix the posts and reuse what we've got, let me know.


Neva said...

I think I know someone that you can hire to fix your fence. There's crazy-wind here in SW, too!

brett said...

someone who reads this blog knows how to build fences.....hint hint.....

Unknown said...

Whoa, that is some wickedly strong winds.

I can't even find a good handyman to build me a fence way over here, so I can't help you on that.

Anonymous said...

Ack. That really sucks. I've been blogging my heart out here in the SW this morning, all the while watching as the wind blows leaves by on the road so fast that they are passing the cars. It looks pretty strange.

witchtrivets said...

Oh man, that sucks. Not so dramatic in our neighborhood. Although I am tensing for the trees to fall right into my house. Too much hurricane baggage, I guess. I've seen many a tree fall. Never seen it fall directly on a house, but seen the aftermath.

Anyway, mwt and I don't have a handyperson, but we sure would like one.

Good luck with that.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps this is a lesson in choosing custom-builders of cedar fences? How much did it cost?!

Anonymous said...

Ohh, Lelo, I'm so sorry. That sucks.

We had Ryan the handyman in to our house for some caulking work on Saturday. He loves wood working. He is honest, affordable, and he calls back! I can't say enough nice things about him.

Here's his website:

Good Luck!

LeLo said...

Wow, you know I love my blogging friends when I already have two referrals, an offer to help, and kind words.

And then there's Matt Davis chiding me for quality work and pricing. Matt, it was originally created by some awesome artist friends, and it cost more than what I sold my first car for. Portland's wet weather is pretty hard on exposed wood and unfortunately, the posts rotted through even though they were set in cement. It probably doesn't help it was heavy with clematis vines and lots of compost built up the soil around the posts.

Anonymous said...

That sucks, I hope you can get it fixed soon.

Monogram Queen said...

Awww I hate that happened to your gorgeous fence. I hope you can find a reasonable reputable handyman who is available immediately. (I want it all and I want it NOW) LOL

Anonymous said...

Awww. That is too bad Lelo. Sorry to hear you had damage. It was really windy in LO but we didn't see anything like that.

I don't know of any handymen either.
I hope you get it resolved soon.

LOL, it's so true...WTH is up with reporters attaching names to all the storms around here?

Rozanne said...

Oh no, your beautiful fence!!! The wind must have been fierce in NoPo. It was windy here in NE, but nothing that unusual for this time of year.

Looks like you've got some good leads for handypersons. Are you a member of Angie's List? If not, you should def. get a membership, so you'll have a resource for all those myriad maintenance and repairs we homeowners are always having to deal with.

purpletwinkie said...

I'm sorry! That seriously sucks.

CrackerLilo said...

I'm so sorry you lost your fence!

*hug* Mother Nature's getting mad, huh?