Friday, March 21, 2008

Happy Vernal Equinox

First day of Spring 2008
Today the sun passed over the earth's equator. Did you feel it? I thought I did. The equinox translates as "equal night" meaning the length of the daytime is equivalent to the length of night. And from today on, the days get longer than the night. Does that put a smile on your face like it does mine? Wiccan tradition celebrates Ostara today, focusing on creativity, fertility and spiritual renewal. It's a good time to seed both plants and personal projects, or personal growth. Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Great flower pic.

I didn't know that today was when the days get makes me very happy.

fairydogmother said...

That photo is gorgeous.

I am very happy that it is now Spring. Even though it kind of still feels like winter.

Kathryn said...

I am also very happy about longer days. I actually noticed yesterday that it stayed lighter later--we were having dinner by a lake and the sun was lovely.

Anonymous said...

You take such beautiful photos. I'm totally jealous. Let's here it for spring bloom!

Unknown said...

Your dad and I take a walk most AMs at 6:00 and it's really cool that when we leave the full moon is up and when we return the sun is up. Spring is here!

Anonymous said...

Yep, that's a fabulous flower! AND. Someday, these longer days WILL conquer these long gray weeks. Last spring was SO SO different than this. But I suppose that's the fun of it all... Hah. I am excited for spring.

SassyFemme said...

It's still pretty cold up here, but the thought that spring is here makes it a little more bearable. I love coming home after work and knowing there's still more daylight left.