Thursday, August 18, 2005

I feel so famous

I'll be giving autographs between 2 and 3 pm tomorrow, and interviews are available via my publicist.

Here's why.

Want more info? Talk to my publicist:
Frida en El Jardin


Gravely Gay said...

Great, now you're gonna get a big head and demand appointments before we can see you.

LeLo said...

I didn't hear you. Did you take a number?

Anonymous said...
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LeLo said...

Oh bajezus. Here come the spambots. I get cars, Rigo gets gardening. That is oddly strange, isn't it?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Your Blog site is fantastic. Thanks and keep up. The Complete Guide Site for Advise and Information About Sideburn Enthuiasm Check out this site by BITING MY @$$

Anonymous said...
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Rozanne said...

You can delete the spamarama, can't you?

Congrats on your new-found fame.

I don't think cats make very good publicists though--too self-absorbed.

Anonymous said...

OMG, lelo....there's spommit everywhere!

Self-absorbed or no....your cat is a beautiful publicist.

I didn't sleep much last night, and your blog has me giggling like a moron here in the middle of the cornfields....

I'm gonna go buy me some tiny meat :D

Anonymous said...

Hey don't feel bad at least you get spam comments from something of interest. All I get is "Love you long time Casino". I am not sure that Blogger has spam blockers like wordpress does. Look at this way, it's fun to swat/delete them like flies, and besides, it means that you are oh so popular, and isn't that what life is all about?

Zoe said...

maybe make it so that anonymous comments cannot be left?

Anonymous said...

Wait, Blu, that would mean I couldn't comment and I'd hate that! I'm not ready to have a blog site and this place won't let me have a blog name unless I have a blog site. I may be posting as "anonymous" but lelo knows who I am.

Well deserved fame, lelo. :-)


LeLo said...

Don't worry L, I'm keeping anonymous comments. I can just go in and manually remove crapola like the spam that hit last night. No biggie. :)

Anonymous said...

I hope it's not my fault, sniff, sniff. I was just trying to take some sunshine and sprinkle it with dew.

geeekgirl said...

When will St. Johns be classy enough for a street fair with Tiny Meat wallets?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Kathryn said...

I'm confused with all the spommit.

Wendy said...

I was surfing around and found your blog -- LOVELY kitty cat. I love to take pics too, and look at them of course. This is a beautiful shot. Best regards, Wendy (this is not spam)

Anonymous said...

I swear it wasn't me LeLo. You are a victim of your own success.

LeLo said...

Mikey-I never blame my fans. It's just the giddamn paparazzi. They're like fleas.

My publicist is currently asleep in the window. It's her fault.

Kathryn said...

You'll be up to like fifty comments if the papparazzi keeps it up!

Anonymous said...

Damn, now I'm getting hit. Wanna play a round of Texas Hold 'Em?