Wednesday, August 24, 2005

It’s Queer Storytime

Time for some more lesbian pulp fiction, 1965.
Gay Girl, by Edna Britt
Gay Girl book cover
Marilyn Wheeler stood in the small galley of the houseboat, waiting for the coffee to perk, and didn’t hear Nan come up behind her. She jumped when Nan’s lips touched her neck.
“Don’t!” she said crisply. “I’m not in the mood!”
“Why not?” Nan’s hands touched her waist and crept up Marilyn’s silk dress. “I’m in love with you.”
“Please stop it!” Marilyn pushed the hands away. She turned and snapped, “Why do you always have to make a scene when we’re out among straights?”
Nan shrugged. “I’m not ashamed of what I am. And the smart ones know—“
“That’s…not true!” Marilyn stammered. Then she stared at Nan’s madras slacks, mannish white shirt and brown loafers. “Except…when you wear THAT kind of outfit.”
Aah. The madras slacks are always the give-away. But actually Marilyn, Nan’s right. The smart ones DO know. Wear the madras and loafers with confidence!


Asher Abrams said...

Okay, this comment is not spam. Great blog. Me personally, I die for madras slacks.

Gravely Gay said...

That was kind of hot, why she got to say no?

Rozanne said...


My favorite detail?
The bit about waiting for the coffee to perk.

So realistic.

Anonymous said...

Damn Girl, that is so "tiny"
Give it up

Ja'AmLo said...

its the predicessor to Fox Force 5!

Anonymous said...

What a fun post. Ugo, grrrl!

-- Mitch

Footprint said...

i dunno. i thnk it just means she's happy.

CrackerLilo said...

I love those old books! Among other things, they remind me to be grateful.

This scene reminds me of every damn time I cook dinner--you'd think my wife grew an extra pair of hands!

I think I'd be ashamed if she wore madras slacks in public too, though. :-)