Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Thanks, Starbucks

Thanks, Starbucks
Originally uploaded by Lelonopo.
The only paper coffee cup I'm actually leaving on my desk. Yes, got the gay cup at Starbucks. I didn't think I was that obvious. Kudos, Starbucks. You made my day.

The Way I See It #43
My only regret about being gay is that I repressed it for so long.
I surrendered my youth to the people I feared when I could have been out there loving someone. Don't make that mistake yourself. Life's too damn short.
-Armistead Maupin, Author of the Tales of the City series and the novel The Night Listener.


Adam said...

Oh I'm jealous. I have been wanting that cup for a while. I am going to make them dig through the pile and find it for me! :-)

Kathryn said...

I'm going to Starbucks RIGHT NOW! Just to get that cup.

I heart Starbucks.

Anonymous said...

Hey - I saw that cup just last Friday. I was at Whorebucks with a (straight) male friend of mine, and I showed him what was on his cup. Being the intelligent, open-minded man he is, he read it thoughtfully and said, "It's true; life is too short not to be who you are. And I can't figure out those people won't accept gays and lesbians for who they are." I suppose you won't believe he's a Republican, but he's one of the odd ones, I guess.

The funny thing was we were in Carmel, a northside Indy suburb known for its rampant homophobia. Maybe Starbucks will change the attitude there, one latte at a time :)

Gravely Gay said...

I have a friend that works at our only Starbucks, I'm making her rummage the cups so that I can get one.

Anonymous said...

Hey where are the cups that say it's OK for us to be big dorks. Hmmm I need a dork quote.

Anonymous said...

I want one of those cups for dorks, too!

Good for Starbucks.

Anyone know where I could find all their "The Way I See It" sayings? I only saw snippets at their website.