Thursday, September 07, 2006

Rockstar sighting in Portland!

The **original** and new rockstars have been hangin' at our house lately on layover from their cross country summer extravaganzas. Thank god Tommy Lee isn't with them, but it's Ja'AmLo and family--my brother. They've been traveling from Texas, then on to Hawaii for a month, now back and on their way back to the lonestar state. We were lucky to spend some time together over Labor Day, and lucky you blog readers, you get some photos.

Here's the new rockstar (she doesn't like being called just a rockstar, must include the word NEW):
no, i'm the NEW rockstar

Of course there's a junior version of that rockstar here:
the real rockstar

LAmLo and I had lots of quality time together where I was able to teach her all kinds of important things, like being sassy (here we're practicing it together):
practicing sassy together

And here you can see she's mastered the art of sass quite well:

Can I just say how proud I am to have taught my niece jazz hands?
jazz hands

But I'm most proud of teaching her to share a few new talents with her "grand nama", also known as Mom around these parts. (I hope LAmLo can remember how to chew loudly with her mouth open and stomp with her heels when she walks next time they see each other.)
the puzzle i can do with my eyes closed
P.S. If anyone needs help doing this puzzle, I'm pretty well versed and would wager I can now do it with my eyes closed.


bemused said...

Y'all are much too cute! (they are from Texas so I should talk like that, right?) Love the jazz hands and the sassy 'tude. Keep on teaching LamLo the important things in life. ;-)

purpletwinkie said...

Queens of Sass. Yep.

Kathryn said...

Love a sassy girl!

Monogram Queen said...

Aw what a great Auntie you are! You know from Sassy girl! LamLo is adorable!!! Loves the jazz hands!

rodger said...

You girls are too much...I can feel the sass over here!

Anonymous said...

I want to be sassy too!


Rozanne said...

Supercute, but one question. How is it that Wink didn't get in on the action to add to the cuteness quotient?

DogMa said...

Sass-A-Frass! You kids rock! Er, I mean you NEW kids that didn't sound right either, nevermind.

Maggie said...

I think they win the rockstar and the countrystar awards!!!! Very cute. Hope you had a good time with them.