Saturday, September 23, 2006

When you're 3 years old...

The wonders of being 3
Originally uploaded by Lelonopo.
...things are amazing, even when they're just a pebble. I love this reminder.


Anonymous said...

Not only that, but when you are three you don't have to work and someone else pays the bills.


Lynne said...

darling. i just love her freckles.

purpletwinkie said...

she is SO cute :)

Monogram Queen said...

Ooh I was going to post that I love her freckles also.. she's a doll!

CrackerLilo said...

I love that!!!!

I think that's why I love tutoring my TutorKid, and my five year old "niece" (actually my best friend's daughter), and the baby pandas. That look of discovery and curiosity and joy, that moment when the whole world is brand new.

I saw a picture in the National Geographic a year ago, of an infant curled up on top of a coiled snake. (It had been milked, and his parents were close boy.) He didn't know fear yet. And that's wonderful to see.

StePHen said...

i am officially smiling right now :)

Anonymous said...

thanks for the reminder lelo! you need to send me a copy of that one..;) great photo my dear!!! and little girl isn't so bad either..heheh (pssstt...i'm her mother..;) )