Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The best photo from election night

No really, it is the best.

Oh, the Santorums. It was a tough night, wasn't it? (Nice matching dress on that doll, BTW).


Lee said...

ROFLMAO....I didn't know he was Harry Potter's daddy either - he cried too

rodger said...

Stunningly beautiful!

Rozanne said...

That is feckin' great!!!!!!

I will have to pass this along to B; he was gloating over Santorum's loss. This will be the icing on the cake.

CrackerLilo said...

Oh, that poor kid! Now I feel bad, because I laughed! Maybe she'll rebel outrageously a couple years from now. I hope, 'cause it doesn't look like the poor little thing's got much hope of becoming a sane adult now.

The Guy Who Writes This said...

I see it as a good thing. Her father is now out of work, so they can move to Oregon, and there she will be happy knowing if she ever needs an abortion, the voters here made it so they won't notify her up-tight daddy, hence fewer Republicans in the future. Yeah, I know that was a stretch, but the photo just begged for a happy ending.

Anonymous said...

God. Is that even real?

Alan Cordle said...

Love the pic and hope you saw the one of the crybaby in profile -- her doll looks suspiciously like Chucky.

Anonymous said...

this looks like an SNL sketch. WOW.