Sunday, January 07, 2007

Before and during: photos from our remodel

Living through a remodel is delicious! Here are some photos to take in and enjoy. I'm getting used to it, actually, and all will be fine. But here's what the center of our house looks like. Keep in mind we go through here to get upstairs, to get downstairs, to get to the front of the house, etc. I'm keeping my mind focused on when I'll be able to post the "after" photos to add to these. Tomorrow the ceiling comes out, and this week the floor (all 4 layers of it) come out. So keep in mind we're still in demo mode. Oh, and this is just the kitchen area!
before: mudroom and nookbefore: built ins
during: no more mudroom and nook
before: door way to dining room
during: hahahhahha. nice plastic doorway, huh?
before: pick your door
during: door contest
Bonus During Shot: Can you see where the sink was?
bonus shot
Extra Bonus Shot:Home sweet home!
home sweet home


Anonymous said...

OMG!!!! Your kitchen looks like a garage!

I am so terrified of major renovations like this. I guess, cuz I know nothing about what's going on. It would just scare me to see my kitchen looking so "vulnerable."

Kathryn said...

Oh LeLo, that looks so scary. When are you coming to stay with us???????

ToadyJoe said...

Yikes! You poor dears!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the checkerboard flooring! I'm thinking of having it in my bathroom. Is that coming or going in your place?

Maggie said...

Is it a Portland Thing to have the big black and white floors?!
We had one when I lived there too. It sucked when you had a hangover.

purpletwinkie said...

Oh no, lead paint. All of this and you have to hold your breath too?

LeLo said...

Those black and white floors are from the before stage. And while they may look great, they show every bit of dirt and dust and I will not miss them. They will be removed this week by special people who know how to remove 4 layers of flooring, including one layer in which there is asbestos. Pretty! Everyone holding their breath yet? Neva, I'd suggest going the marmoleum route instead for your bathroom. Lots of fun choices there.

Anonymous said...

Gee, I think your kitchen was cute! But I guess not living in it gives me the view through rose colored glasses. Thanks for the heads-up about the black and white checkerboard floor. I love the but since I'm not the best housekeeper (I'd rather be in the garden!), I guess it's one to stay away from when we get around to replacing our kitchen floor.

Are you getting decision overload yet?

Monogram Queen said...

Well at least you are keeping focused on the "After". Looks like fun times :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Your place is (was) so Portland!

Anonymous said...

I'm not totally sold on the checkerboard but I'll definitely look into the marmoleum. Thanks for the tip!

SassyFemme said...

You guys are still living in the house during all this??? OMG! How do you function w/o having a kitchen, and with having all that crap going on?

Blogzie said...

Call me cheap, call me petty, heck you can even call me Betty, but that looks really, really expensive.

Please tell me Ty Pennington is running around your house being loud and manic and we will see the glorious results televised.


LeLo said...

We have a "camp kitchen" in the basement. Microwave, fridge and toaster. It's definitely not gourmet. But it will do. As for the question about Ty Pennington, if Ty was here this would be done in one week. We have a whole 3 months to enjoy this. Ooh la la. And yes I will force you to watch the process with photos.

Anonymous said...

What's behind door number 3? So many must feel like Alice in Wonderland.

If you get tired of the camp kitchen...the offer still stands for a real meal in a real kitchen.