Friday, January 27, 2006

5 bloggers all in a row

5 bloggers all in a row
It's pretty cool meeting fellow bloggers. I haven't met a freak yet. You figure you already know so much about each other, it's kind of weird when you meet in person: is your blogging persona different than your real self? I don't know, but I do know that I feel so lucky to have gotten to know Anna and Brett, and today, I met MerchMikey and Bevs! So here we all are, left to right, me, Beverly, MerchMikey, Superinky and Brett. And the fabulous grey cloudy Portland skyline in the background. Can I just say? Beverly is like the sweetest thing ever and MerchMikey and I could talk shop talk all day. Love that! And Anna and Brett, you know how much I adore you guys. So there you go. Feelin' the love peeps. Feelin' the love.


sttropezbutler said...

Very very nice.


Gravely Gay said...

why did i have to work this weekend?!

nancy =) said...

that is sooo awesome =)


Anonymous said...

yay for meeting bloggers! looks like you were all having fun :)

Anonymous said...

Yay, what fun indeed!
Next time let's make it 7 to 10 of us.

mindlessgirl said...

Lovely lovely lovely, are a gem, my dear one!!! super cool getting to see you...wish we could have gotten together for longer...

Rozanne said...

Trying to figure out where you guys are. On the roof of a parking garage?

Anonymous said...

who's the cute guy on the left. yum.

Anonymous said...

oops, i meant right.

Anonymous said...

What am I? Chopped liver?

LeLo said...

Rigo: Your loss suckah!
Mindlessgirl: I'm sorry we didn't get more time together too: next time, FOR SURE!
Rozanne: This is the roof where I work. Fantabulous rooftop deck. Must have blogging get together drinks on rooftop deck once the weather gets nice. If the weather, ever gets nice....
Anonymous: Thanks for catch on thinking I'm a guy.
MerchMikey: You're just so tall evidently you are chopped liver. And I'm a guy. Go figure.

STB, StevieB, Nancy and little sister: so nice ya'll dropped by and gave some props!