Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I love boys who crochet

...and I love my new hat. Now look what Rigo went and made for me...
my new hat: the back
...I'm kind of getting into this self portrait thing. They're not easy. But I like this one. And I especially like my new hat...
i love my new hat
...and Picasso likes my new hat, too.
picasso likes my new hat too

I don't know how to crochet, but props to those that do. And supah-props to Rigo for my sweet gift. It was nice to see you here in Portland and lunch!


Anonymous said...

I crochet all my own athletic supporters!

Anonymous said...

Love the hat love the hair,love the cat, love everything.....!!! Everybody's wonderful, everybody's beautiful, everybody's loveable.... but you're Delicious! Muy Foxy!

LeLo said...

Tony; Um, okay. Good for you! What color yarn do you prefer for those?

Anonymous: I know who you are HeCa and I love that you're commenting! And, I can't wait until Sunday night: I must blog about that!

Anonymous said...

So cute, you go girl!
Now if I could just get Rigo to make me a banana warmer. HeHe

Rozanne said...

What? No Dutch Angle?

Love the hat, though. Need to learn to crochet.

sttropezbutler said...

I like the SP's as well.....and who knew a crocheted hat could be so chic!

Cheers my dear!


anessa arehart said...

Hey Lelo,

Thanks for visiting my blog....keep on rockin'
love the hat and the Joan Jett 'do.

I'll be back---


Gravely Gay said...

Thanks for lunch. It was great meeting AdRi. I'm glad you like the hat, and it sounds like everyone else does too. Makes me all warm inside. I have to get the pattern for the supporters from Tony.

mindlessgirl said...

cute cute...and wonderful craftmenship from the lovely rigo, however, it covers that oh so sexy jbf, joan jett 'do...